Sunday, August 11, 2013

What my little girl is made of.

Ivy turned six.  How can it be?  Birthdays make me so sentimental.  We took our birthday adventures to the mountains this year.  Why is it that the mountains always feel like home?  

This girl grew up the day Axel was born.  I've watched her this summer blossom as a big sister.  I've also become keenly aware of how much she is affected by the things I do.  How who I am is shaping who she is.  It is scary and awesome.  

I hope I can teach her to be better than I am. 

 In our adoption profile I described Ivy as being part princess, part pirate.  She is the best of both worlds.  The things my little girl is made of.  Be still my heart. 

It is magical to me to think of all the things she is capable of becoming. 

Courage.  Sacrifice.  Determination.  Commitment.  Toughness.  Heart.  Talent.  Guts.

Thats what my little girl is made of.
