Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pushing Myself

Its really hard once you stop doing blog posts to get back in the habit I'm learning.  I promise that I haven't been ignoring my little blog, or put away my sewing machine or anything.  I've actually gotten quite a bit done late, I'm just slacking on taking pictures and posting stuff up.  I've tried a ton of new to me things and have really been pushing myself.  
I've been in love with all of the printables out there for gifts and parties and cupcakes {like the ones I used on my Mother's day cupcakes}so I've been teaching myself how to make some!
Here's my first birthday circle!  It was basically practicing all of the stuff I just spent hours trying to learn.
Kind of fun huh.  I'm super excited that I did it all (with the help of Google of course) on my own! 

Plus Darin is super impressed and I didn't even have to bug him for help...  eh,  more than 2 times!


  1. hey crafty genius!
    got this in my google reader. and i bet you need another "project" like you need an extra hole in your head, right? but i couldn't resist. you are so talented with that sewing machine of yours. =) and i figure you love purses, AND you don't have to enter to win these patterns. excited yet? here's the post's url. have a great weekend (hopefully you'll have some time to come to the vintage prom saturday, 7-10p, burbank building)!

  2. p.s.
    i might have to "borrow" your pom pom idea for decorations for this thing! =)


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