Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mirror to Chalkboard Revamp

Somewhere I have a before picture for this.  I'm just too lazy to find it right now so you are going to have to imagine the before! We got one of those pub mirrors when we got married 9 years ago.  It was a dark wood so I painted it white.  And I didn't do a very good job.  When we moved here it just sat propped against the wall in our bathroom for about 6 months because Ivy likes to make faces (and watch herself cry) in the mirror.  Then I got sick of it just sitting there so probably three months ago I spraypainted the mirror part with chalkboard paint.   Then it sat propped against the wall in the laundry room until I got the right color of paint.  
I used Valspar Crystal Aqua. {You will be seeing it quite a bit in all my projects I have to show you!}
I was SO bugged because I taped off the chalkboard paint and was extremely careful and used a razor blade and everything when it came time to peel off the tape.  But it still peeled up some paint.  Thank heavens for distressing though!  After sanding down and staining the blue I decided I like the couple of chipped areas.  I also spraypainted  the hooks with oil rubbed bronze paint.  And now its finally hanging in my entry way just waiting for me to write  message on it! 


  1. kee-ute!
    another friend of mine, who also happens to be named jenn, did the same with an odd mirror she'd had. literally. no joke. like within the last week or two!
    great minds think alike.
    and i luv both of you jenns' minds!
    i am curious about this valspar color though. i can't wait to see what else you do with it!

  2. i like it!! see you soon

  3. oh goodness! that is fabulous. love it!

  4. That is so awesome. I remember that mirror and what a great to re-purpose it into something different. GOOD JOB. Hope this week-end goes well for you and that the weather warms up some. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers that will be at your house. I will be in Royal with mine.

  5. That is a great idea! Perfect size and very functional. I am always a sucker for blues:)


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