Saturday, August 14, 2010

Passing the time...

I'm working at Greenies today and in between rentals I've been updating a few things around here.  Plus I've been catching up since I've made a vow to not be on the computer as much.  
{unless I'm at Greenies and don't have much else to do!}

I've added a Local Lovelies Iist over on the sidebar.  I went to a blogger meet up WAY back in April and met a few fancy ladies that are way better at this kind of thing than me. So be sure and check out their links and if you are from the Tri Cities and want me to add you to the list just let me know! 

I changed my picture and put my favorite quote on it.  I found that quote right after my last round of IVF didn't work and realized that I most likely wouldn't have the opportunity to be pregnant again.  It always makes me feel a little stronger when life is hard.  Because sometimes it just is. 

"In the midst of winter I finally learned that in me lived an infinite summer"

I've also been trying to think of a name for my "company". My friend Karen is having another Shade sale in a couple of weeks.  But this time much bigger with other vendors, and I'm going to be setting up shop.  But what do I call myself?  Care to chime in?  Here's what we have so far...

Lovely Little Bicycle 
Infinite Summer

bleh.  I hate coming up with this stuff.  

Have a fabulous weekend!



  1. I love that quote too. I can only imagine how hard your struggle has been but you are definitely handling it was grace. Good things will come, regardless of how they get here. I think you're amazing.

    And the name thing is hard! I like them all because they all remind me of you which is how it should be. Yeah, good luck with that...

  2. made with love? i'm trying to think of a name that's sweet, creative, a little old-fashioned/classic and pretty. it's not coming to me. unless you just want to name your co. jenn :)

    jennsational? :) :)

  3. what about jennealogy? i love playing with people's names and somehow keeping them incorporated with a biz name. that's how i wound up with latchKey photography. just tied in my nickname. so fun! there's always jenneric.....but didn't know if that really was the tone you are going for.
    or jennerosity....stop me when it's too corny for ya....
    ok, or forget adding jenn, what about the name "inflection"???
    or what about "going dutch"???
    or what about "sugarfoot"??? (that's one of my all-time fave terms of endearment!)
    ...or applesauce?...
    ...or morning glory's story?....
    just thinking....these all seem fun and when i think of them i think, "yeah, so jenn!"

    anyhow, eager to here what you decide for a name. naming things is so fun!


I la la love hearing from you!