Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm Thankful with Marilyn aka Passionista

I'm telling you guys, this has been  I'm so glad that everyone is feeling the love.  I've had such a great response from those I asked to participate in I'm Thankful week that I've extended it through next week!  There is more coming up so be sure to check back next week as well!  

Before I introduce my next guest I need to get a little housekeeping out of the way.  I would LOVE if you came to visit me tomorrow  {the 20th} at the Holiday Bazaar that I've been slaving away for!  I've got some fun stuff, and I love seeing friendly faces.   It is the 22nd annual  Favorite Things Holiday Bazaar at the Columbia Community church from 9am-4pm.  The address is 150 GAGE BLVD {corner of Gage and Bellerive}.  I'm one of the first vendors when you walk in.  Come on down and say hi!  

Ok now that's taken care of  I'm excited to introduce you to Marilyn.  She is widely known as Passionista and she is fabulous.  She knows how to throw a party, grows organic blueberries, and is super sweet.  Her taste in music is impeccable, as well as her taste in just about everything else! Marilyn is always so grateful, which is why I just had to include her in I'm Thankful week.  Take it away Marilyn!

"I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a guest on Jenn's lovely blog, and for the pondering I was able to do about all I've been blessed with. I'm sure my thankful list doesn't look too much different than yours....

1. Family - My husband and four children are my greatest joys. Being a stay at home mom means that on a daily basis, their well-being is my number one concern. Every day I'm given countless opportunities to serve them. It's not the easiest or most glamorous job, but I am paid in hugs, kisses, thank you's and I love you's, which I think is a pretty impressive pay scale. I'm grateful for the learning and growth they afford me, and that they are willing to put up with me and my sometimes grumpy attitude :)

2. Faith - The guidance and perspective that my religious beliefs give me are one of the greatest blessings in my life. The knowledge that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me, knows me, and has a plan for me is comforting. The promise of eternal families is the most powerful motivator to live a good life. I am so grateful for the teachings and principles that I have learned and am able to instill in my children.

3. Trials - This year, our family has faced and is still facing one of the most difficult challenges we've ever experienced. The choices of one of our family members has deeply affected our entire family unit. It's not easy to talk about or to even understand completely, but I know that this is for our good and that there is much for us to learn through this experience about forgiveness, strength, and unconditional love. Without trials, we wouldn't have the ability to grow and learn, and although it's very difficult while in the midst of hurt and pain to recognize it's value, I am thankful for the lessons.

4. Talents - I can't even fully express how grateful I am to be surrounded by the most amazing people. So much can be learned by the sharing of talents. I feel inspired constantly by friends and family as they cultivate and refine their creativity. I strive to always surround myself with passionate people who love to learn and contribute to society, and as a result, I have a greater desire to push myself to reach beyond my comfort zone.

5. Music - This might seem out of place, but I truly am grateful for the gift of music. It is an important part of my life. For as long as I can remember, music has played a large role. Growing up, my parents and grandparents introduced me to many different genres and their influence led me to learn to play the piano, flute, organ, and to involve myself in various choral programs. Now, as an adult, I blog about music, I teach piano lessons, share my love of music with my children, play the piano and organ at church, and have recently begun to fulfill my dream of concert promoting. Good music is certainly a blessing in my life.

I have much to be grateful for, including material possessions like a cozy home, a reliable car, food, clothing, etc., but if all of those material possessions were stripped from me, I could still be happy because I'd be left with the things that really matter... the things that can't ever be taken away."

Thanks so much Marilyn!  You have so many talents and I'm grateful that you are willing to share them with us all. I haven't had much opportunity to be around you, but you radiate peace and grace.  Really, thank you.

Ok everyone.   Marilyn was kind enough to offer you a sweet little giveaway.  Her monthly mixes are always perfect for the season and November is no different.  Plus her cover art is darling.  To win your very own Passionista November mix {I know rad huh}, leave some comment love.  The winner will be drawn from the comments only on probably Monday.  You never know with me ;)  Want an extra entry?  Tell us what your favorite Christmas song is.  I'm on pins and needles to see what Marilyn's December mix is!   

{I know its all about Thanksgiving but really, who isn't thankful for Christmas Music!} 

  Happy weekend everyone! 


  1. Loved this. Family, Faith and Music are definately up there for me too. It's fantastic how positive you are through everythig marilyn. Thanks for being such a great example!

  2. I'm thankful for my lovely friend Marilyn.

  3. I too am grateful for generosity that I have found here.

  4. ANOTHER give away!? I am so excited! I ,too, love Marilyn's November mix and I am so excited to hear her Christmas mix. Eeek!

  5. I'll tell you what my favorite Christmas song is but you have to promise not to laugh! It's "It must have been the mistletoe". I'm not sure who sings it, or if that's even the right name. I just remember listening to it ALL the time when I was younger. It helps bring back sweet childhood memories for me.

    Are you laughing? You're totally laughing at me aren't you...

  6. simply delightful.
    all the things in my head right now, oh. marilyn is such an inspiration to so many of us on so many levels. i feel like a better person just being around her, not only through blogs, but each week through church. my rough days become lifted through her example and i'm grateful. thank you marilyn.
    again, impeccable choice jenn!

  7. My favorite Christmas song is Paul McCartney's "Simply having a wonderful christmas time"...and I'm not sure if that's the title of the song but that's the that counts, right?!

  8. I'm grateful for music as well - particularly the great music I hear about from Marilyn!

    And, not to sound stupid, but I have to say, Mariah Carey's 1st Christmas album is arguably the best Christmas album produced in the last 30 years. So it'd be any one of the songs from that :).

  9. I adore Marilyn. She's the type of person that makes you want to be better whenever you're around her and that is a delight.

    Favorite Christmas song Sheesh. That's hard. I love Breath of Heaven...reminds me of what Christmas is all about.

  10. Marilyn, it's so much fun to see someone i "know" here! i know that all those lovely creative people you are surrounded by, are so grateful to have you around as well. and as for #5? i too am so incredibly grateful that you are so involved in music. you have broadened my knowledge as well as my spirit this past year with your talent & gift for music. thank you always for being so willing to share it.

    favorite Christmas song is definitely "O Holy Night"...there is something so pure about the lyrics & the story behind them. i could listen to that one all year long.

  11. Marilyn is right her list isn't very different from mine. I am blessed to have the family I have.

  12. I agree with Marilyn! My family is my number one thing I am thankful for. They are the reason I am blessed with so many of the other wonderful things in my life.

    And my favorite holiday song is Baby It's Cold Outside!! :) Can't help but sing along!


I la la love hearing from you!