Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Learn Something New

Last week I finally learned how to crochet. I've always figured it was something I couldn't learn because being a lefty does have its limitations.  You really should see me cut.  But imagine my surprise when I actually tried it.  And I actually got it.  And I actually crocheted a halfway descent washcloth.  Moral of my story?  Try something new.  You might surprise yourself, and you'll be really glad you did.  


  1. Good for you! I love crocheting, although I do it in it's most basic form, but it's relaxing and fun when watching a movie late in the evening.

  2. nice! way to branch out! I am kind of scared trying new things but it's always silly because it turns out fine! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. This is awesome! Lily is a little crocheting machine. She is absolutely in love with it.

  4. hoping maybe you'll teach me at PROJECT: craft?!

  5. congratulations! crocheting used to be my favorite until i lost hand control...HOWEVER...i needed this little push to learn something new. thank you!


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