Thursday, April 7, 2011

Have A Cookie!

I know that there are a million claims to the best chocolate chip cookie recipe.  And I don't know if there coupld possibly be THE very best one but around here my aunt Chandra's recipe is pretty popular.  It is my friend Lindsay's birthday today so I packaged up some of these yummy goods just for her. {You should be able to eat as many cookies as you want on your birthday.} If you are in the mood to try them out I'm posting the recipe just for you!  Oh and last night we tried sprinkling the dough with sea salt before baking...  Um.  YUM!  Adds a whole new level to how good these cookies are.  So whether you are trying out this recipe or using your own and you go for that whole salty/sweet thing, I highly recommend adding a little sea salt to your cookie!

One other cookie tip!  I cream the butter and sugars for 3-5 minutes.  After that I only mix until incorporated.
What are your cookie tips?!

 :: polkadot paper and tape strip from pugly pixel
:: fonts are snf sketch black out and ld string bean both free from scrapnfonts


  1. oh my word...i should say...YOU BRAT!Ha-ha LOL- i have been wanting to eat better and start exercising (yeah, who am i kidding) and now i read this DELISH recipe??? Oh my...good grief, gertrude!!! i might have to start that diet on another day (like i needed an excuse!!!)

    this looks so yummy, i am not sure if i love ya or hate ya!!! (just kidding!!!) love it!
    have a great thursday my love!

  2. thank you! i'm so grateful that you're my friend today. luc's cape is a-mazing. and the cookies - not sharing.
    love, love, love, lindsay

  3. One way I add salt and crunch to my cookies is by adding mini pretzel sticks to the batter.

  4. These look so delicious!
    Trying these this weekend for sure!

  5. Supposedly chilling chocolate chip cookie dough makes it bake better. This recipe is sooooo dang good!

  6. Oh my goodness... these look fantastic! I have a perpetual sweet tooth, so I'm totally making these soon! YUM!

  7. I made chocolate chip cookies last week and decided to salt a couple of them, ya know, just to try it out. I was so sad...that I didn't salt more of them! Holy moly, the salt adds this whole new yumminess factor!

    I must try your recipe, thanks so much for sharing, Jenn!

  8. I saw your recipe on Sunday, made these yesterday afternoon, and today they are GONE!! By far the most delicious chocolate chip cookie EVER! I'm sharing on my blog {with links back to yours of course!}
    Laurie :)

  9. thanks to Heather @ Life Made Lovely, I'm baking these today! This recipe looks perfect! Have never seen a cookie recipe with hot water... can't wait to try it out. Always on the hunt for a new recipe and this one seems tried tested and true :)
    Thanks for sharing!!

  10. i saw this on heather's life made lovely's blog and had to hop over here to say hi. i LOVE chocolate chip cookies. i am going to try this recipe stat.

  11. i LOVE sea salt on my chocolate chip cookies ... which reminds me that i need to make some! it's been a while.


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