Monday, March 26, 2012

Insta Day. 3.26.12

Phew what a week!  Actually what a weekend.  I think we use the week to catch up from our weekends!  Now that spring is here Greenies just gets busier and busier so by Monday we are pooped!
Here's a glimpse of what we were up to last week via Instagram

Darin and I decided to have a Harry Potter marathon.  One movie each night.  We started last Saturday and finished on Friday.  But how old are we because we only watched at the most half of each one cuz we always fell asleep!

Goldilocks decided she wanted bumpy hair for church.  So we braided her hair after baths Saturday night.  Then she decided to keep the braids for church.  They were definitely worse for the ware from sleeping.  Oh well.  

She had bumpy hair on Monday instead. 

I've had a good string of luck with pinterest tries.  Shredding cooked chicken in the mixer works like a charm!  

We've grown lots of things in the family garden at Grandma's but every preschooler has to grow grass I think.  We used tuna fish cans and a $3 bag of grass seed from Walmart.    

Then we went outside and spread the rest of the seeds in some bare spots.  Pink galoshes are awesome.

Sometimes on rainy days you just have to watch movies and hang out.  Tying knots is very theraputic I've decided.  Unless you mess up, then its really not.

Green just might be my favorite color.  

I was toast after working two days in a row.  On Saturday I sold 23 pairs of Toms.  TWENTY. THREE. I'm so happy that kids are getting shoes.  And on that note...

Bwahaha.  I was laughing so hard when my sister sent me that.  I love sarcasm in case you didn't know.

Other highlights of my week were...
 seeing the Hunger Games with a bunch of really cool people 
 Fear Factor at mutual 
and finishing my 4th week of Insanity.  UGH!

Happy Monday!


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