Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ruffle Shoes For The Big Girls

Remember how I wanted some ruffles on my shoes?
Well did you know that Joann's now has zipper trim?  Its in their trims under project runway stuff.  Now I don't think this is necessarily cheaper than buying a zipper for small projects.  But if you want a good length of it and you use a coupon its probably pretty smart.
And did you also know that Target had their flats on sale this week?!
I started with a yard of zipper trim.  I cut it in half and ruffled each piece with a long stitch.  (I prefer to do it by hand with zippers since they ruffle up kind of crazy.)  
 Then just like Ivy's shoes I hotglued it straight to my new shoes.   I  glued a row farther away from the edge and then doubled back closer to the my foot. 
The ends were a little long so instead of trimming I added a little roll.  And some bling just for fun.
Now I have some stylin' new shoes for $12.  And I get to wear them on my date tonight!
UPDATE!  Those shoes are normally only $12.99 so they are still a sweet deal!
(and don't worry Shell, I got your back.  Just try and act surprised on your birthday!)


  1. I love your creativity. These shoes are super cute. Happy Date Night to you! That's awesome.

  2. so adorable! i'm gonna have to give this a whirl. so target's not got that sale anymore probably, huh? i'll figure something else out i guess.

    ooh, p.s.
    did darin mention volleyball? so, a bunch of us women in the stake get together & play at the 108 building every tuesday from 8pm to whenever, and then again fridays from 9-11am (fridays, we bring out the toys for the kids & cartoons so they're happy too. you can TOTALLY bring Ivy!!!)
    come join us, it oodles of fun. ability ranges from newbies to expert....with MOST of us somewhere in the middle! lol. we have a great time, and have all become pretty good friends. in the summer we even wind up at sonic afterwards for some downtime. what do you think, wanna play?

  3. i cant wait till my birthday! those are suuper cute sis!

  4. I love them!!! I think I NEED to make some of those for Emma! I will send pics when I do :)


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