Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday Letters

Dear Sarah,
Thank you for coming and spending the evening with us last night.  Live shows are never what you expect, and  yours of course exceeded my expectations.  I'm glad that you knew to have the lights down low so that I wasn't quite so self conscious of my tears through Mercy Me.  I don't remember quite what you said to introduce that song, but it is exactly what I've been picking myself up from.  So thanks for knowing this girls heart, even though we don't know each other at all.  Oh, and please come back soon so my husband won't be mad  at me anymore that I didn't invite him to go to your show.  I know he would have loved it.  And you can bring your three year old, cuz my three year old would love it too.
Love, Jenn

Thanks again for another perfect evening.  I can't wait for the next one, and the next one and any one after that.   Just the other day I was wondering about your pillow you were working on a couple of months ago. I'll have to see it another time, since I totally forgot to ask you about it last night!
Love, Jenn

Dear Me,
You can do it this time.  You are doing girl pushups after all.  ; )
Love, Jenn

To LKP...
I've been meaning to say thank you for that one comment, that one time.  Its rare that someone really gets it.  And you do, even more so than I probably do.  So thank you.  For that one comment that one time.  {and all of your other comments, you have such a kind heart and are a truly gracious person.}

Love, Jenn

Dear Spring,
I wouldn't mind if you came early and stuck around.  But eh, if you wanted to skip the wind this year that would be fabulous.  Hope to see you soon!
Love, Jenn


  1. Dear Jenn-
    Love your new blog header!

  2. Jenn, thank you for coming and supporting the show! I appreciate it and am so glad that everyone enjoyed it!

  3. oh, and thanks for reminding me about the pillow. It's almost finished. I put it on the backburner before Christmas, but it's so close, I just need to finish it :)

  4. im soooooooooooooooooooooo over pushup challenge this week

  5. Dear Jenn,
    Love your new header- tennis elbow is killing my push ups and I dont even play tennis. However, my cardio is coming along as planned--hallelujah! Thanks for your can do attitude.

  6. hunny-darlin' you are MORE than welcome for that one comment that one time. from my heart to yours. you're not alone. thanks for bearing with my oodles & oodles of remarks. sometimes i fret that i can't stop my thoughts from coming out, and i worry they're a burden to others. so thanks for having a beautiful place for them to be. you are a delight. i'm so grateful for you. truly, whether you realize it or not, you inspire me constantly.


I la la love hearing from you!