Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pin Did

 Last week I found some doilies from my mother in law and I knew right away what I would do with the one that had a stain.  Just the day before I had pinned an idea from Betz White, so I quickly put together my own spiderweb to add a bit of vintage spooky to our Halloween decor.  Simply put your doily in an embroidery hoop that you painted black and add a glittery spider.  I think three or five different sized 'webs' would be a really fun wall display, don't you?

Happy October!!

and p.s.
Is your Pinterest over.flowing with ideas that need done?  Yeah, mine is too, but I'm trying to whittle away at my Fall Board.  If you need a little motivation to turn some of your pins into dids you should join me at my friend Amanda's.  She has issued a Pin Did Challenge and I'll be linking up with her from time to time.  See you there?

also back on the inspiration workshop challenge!  this week was fall.  Halloween counts right?!



  1. That is so cool!! i need to go stalk your fall board. I am a chronic non-decorator (my mom, is, too) - must break the cycle. love your new header + profile pic, btw!

  2. I'd pinned this hoop art too. Love it so much and you did a fantastic job!!

  3. Love this! I'm pretty sure I have this pinned, too. Now I just need to find some doilies. I'm sure my boys would love seeing a few of these on the wall!

  4. I love that. It's the prettiest spider web I've ever seen.

  5. Cute idea.

    I was also wondering where you got your wood blocks for the Family Proclamation you made. Can you buy them in those sizes? I am looking to make one and don't know where to go for the wood. Thanks. :)

  6. sa-uper cute! :) also, just message me or text me or email me for that matter as to any of the projectitos you'd like to do at the event next week. if its any of the vinyl projects, i've got to get my vinyl order into her tonight. but any of the other stuff i can take order on until Sunday. then its crafty shop-shop-shopping all next week. :)


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