Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 9. Color.

Today I'm thankful for color.  Pretty much every color.  Umm except good ole purple.  Plum I like.  Just not purple.  I love how my color preferences shift with each season, a reflection of the colors in my world.

  Right now I am loving ... 

And especially rust red this time of year.  I can't get enough really. I've got a sweater, scarves, a striped shirt, socks... I am even swooning over red hair.  And when the afternoon sun hits those red leaves and catches them on fire it makes my heart skip a beat.  

sweater. american eagle
grey stripe shirt. walmart
skinny jeans. target
boots. old navy

{linking up with the Pleated Poppy for WIWW} 

What is your favorite color this time of year?



  1. Nice! Red for me in fall too. Every tree on my street is almost to the fiery red stage. I keep staring out my your thankful posts!

  2. So cute! I love the red scarf!

  3. Plum! Yum! I totally agree. Especially in the fall it beats out purple. And rust red rocks. Cute outfit. And super cute blog.
    -newest follower

  4. This is Aunt Sherri even though it says Tyler. I love your blog and I feel connected even though I am in Idaho. I love your ideas and your insight to mothering. I especially love how you love my nephew. Thank you for taking such good care of him. Have a wonderful day. I am at

  5. I'm a gold girl...just don't have enough of it. I'm with you on the plum too. Grey and brown are in my wardrobe year round.

  6. funny thing about your question is that i was literally thinking about this two nights ago during a RS questionaire thingie. same question was there. sad thing is i can't narrow it down. haven't met a color i couldn't appreciate or get along with. well.... perhaps the only ones that can really get under my skin mauves & pinks. otherwise i love all the rest! :)

    but, today? today i'm grateful for the color white. not for wearing, but i've been thinking thanksgiving & family get-togethers. well, and frankly, the holidays are the same without our family's standard white dishes & serving pieces... even some of the heirloom white milkglass pieces. just says "classic" to me. feels happy & comforting.

    thanks for asking! :)


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