Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Going to School Dinner.

Well, I am now that mom!  The one that has a kid in school.   Darin and I have been dreading and loving it as this day has gotten closer.  We ask ourselves things like...can she really be that old?  Can we really be that old?  Can she be any cuter?!  

  I've seen others doing their back to school dinners for the past couple years and here I am having my own for my very own kindergartener.  I used the back to school print from eighteen25 as my inspiration for a rainbow party.  And uh, it was all last minute so if you are looking for a quick and easy idea this would be the one! 

First I gathered up some colorful and school-ish things from Ivy's room.  A globe, her set of Roald Dahl books and some markers.  Once I got those arranged on the table I pulled out a piece of cardstock for every color of the rainbow.  I had to substitute pink for orange for two reasons.  One Ivy likes pink and not orange.  And I didn't have any orange.  I cut each sheet in to eight rectangles not being too exact on the size.  I made three strings of garland and with the remaining sixteen rectangles I stitched them together randomly for a little table runner. 

The menu requested by the kindergartener was macaroni & cheese and salad.  Red plates with pencils to make it a little bit fancy added more color to our table.   Its definitely a special occasion if we use fancy glasses AND have juice!

Of course you have to have cupcakes at a party for my girl.  Rainbow sprinkles make them perfect.  

After her cupcake and a blessing from her dad she is all sweetened up and ready to go.  I don't know if there has been a little girl more ready for kindergarten.  I am so excited for her and her new adventures! 


1 comment:

  1. These kinds of traditions are what make being a mom so awesome. I love everything about this, especially that little kindergartner of yours. Go Ivy!


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