Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Paper Arrow Garland Tutorial

Arrows!  Cupid!  Hearts!  XOXO!  Here is a simple tutorial on how to make an arrow garland to go with your Valentine's Day decor.  Or for any day really, cuz..... put an arrow on it!

Start by cutting strips of paper to your desired width and fold them in half.  For the patterned paper I cut two inch strips.  Using a paper slicer angle the folded strips and cut in to increments. You can either cut them all the same or vary the width.  You will have some extra triangles at the ends that you can either save for another project ;) or recycle them. 

Open up the folded cuts and get excited!  YAY! Arrows!  

You can either stitch them together along the top or punch small holes and string them together.  Just make sure the arrows all point the same direction.

  I made a long arrow using a dowel and some felt and tied my little arrow garland onto the dowel.  I also used a cookie cutter to cut some x's and o's to add and made a little Cupid wall hanging for Ivy's room.  I've also got more arrow garlands in about five places in my house.  Cuz.... put an arrow on it.



  1. You can either cut them all the same or vary the width. You will have some extra triangles at the ends that you can either save for another project ;) or recycle them You can either cut them all the same or vary the width. You will have some extra triangles at the ends that you can either save for another project ;) or recycle them

  2. You will have some extra triangles at the ends that you can either save for another project ;) or recycle them. SAP SCM Tutorial


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