Wednesday, January 12, 2011

{Getting Started} with Celeste

My oh my.  Can I just say that in many aspects of this New Years challenge I am doing really well.  But uh my no candy one?  Not so much.  I'm actually doing good at not eating candy.  Its the finding something like "Hey Ivy lets make cookies" {again} thats getting to me! 

Well today is a new day and I've got Celeste here with her tips for getting started on your exercise routine and tips to stick with it.  Take it away Celeste!

Hey guys!  Here's my list of  6 Tips to get you started on your Fitness Journey

1) Determine your goals - Maybe you want to walk/run your first 5k, do a marathon, maybe you want to eat healthier, lose weight or gain muscle strength, maybe you just want to feel better climbing 5 flights of stairs!

2) Baby Steps. Make short realistic goals at first if you need to. - If you haven't been exercising...gradually get back into it.  Tell yourself, 2x this week, 3x next month.  If eating healthier is your goal, start by decreasing portion size

2) Write it, Write it, Write it! -in a journal, post it note on the mirror or in your calendar.

3) Make a General Plan - How are you going to achieve your goal?  Morning workouts? Be specific as you can. Weekly Grocery list? Plan weekly meals if you want to eat out less.  If you don't buy the junk food, you won't eat it. 

4) Be Accountable. Schedule workouts with a spouse or friend.  Even if it is only 1x week or 2x month. Commit to it on calendar! Personal Training works because you have scheduled appointments and trainers know how to push you farther than you may push yourself. It is not going to happen if you aren't accountable in some way.  Maybe you give yourself some "reward" if you accomplish weekly or monthly goals.  Whether its money, spa time, new exercise outfit.  Reward yourself along the way somehow.  Tell a friend, co-worker or spouse to check in on you certain days.  Maybe you just ask for a weekly email.

5) Set an "End Date" - of course this isn't a permanent end date, but an tangible end date to look forward to and be accountable for...then start a new goal.

5) Don't fall for an "ALL OR NOTHING" attitude. Don't go on a crazy diet!  If you aren't working out 4x week like you said you would, revamp your goals, be okay with 2xweek. Something is better than nothing!  Don't beat yourself up! Make it doable for you at the time.  Don't quit all together because you can't keep up with your original plan.

"I don’t know if I continue, even today, always liking myself. But what I learned to do many years ago was to forgive myself. It is very important for every human being to forgive herself or himself because if you live, you will make mistakes- it is inevitable. But once you do and you see the mistake, then you forgive yourself and say, ‘Well, if I’d known better I’d have done better,’ that’s all. If we don’t do that we never grow, we never learn, and sure as hell we should never teach."-Maya Angelou
So don't be afraid of failing your goal.  Set it, work on it, make some progress.  Even if that goal is not achieved, you are one step closer to doing it next time! Failing something is just more reason to be smarter about doing it better the next time.  And if you really want to do something then it is possible.  It may not come easily but can be learned.

These are my 2011 Fitness Goals:
1 Sprint Triathlon
1 1/2 Marathon (under 1:45)
1 5k (under 21:00)
Get my son and daughter in a Kids Fun Run
Bike rides with the family
I'll be able to pick races once we know our permanent living situation.
End date: Dec 31, 2011


Thanks so much Celeste.  Its nice to be reminded of the right way to do this.  I've set some short term goals, but I like the idea of having an event later in the year to look forward to.  So peeps, here's my goals, hope it gives you a good place to start...


Health:  Gym 3 days a week and 100 push up challenge. So far, so good.  I finally stopped feeling guilty and got a pass for the child care.  And guess what.  I'm pretty sure Ivy is more excited to go to the gym than I am.   And the pushups are killing me, but I love that my arms are already looking better.  Plus its a great thing to do on your day off from the gym.  ps.  I picked 3 days a week to get me going then I'm going to ramp it up in February so be ready. 

No candy.  Um, maybe I need to cut out treats all together!  Otherwise, going to the gym isn't gonna do me any good. 

Spiritual:  Read my scriptures every day.  I've already noticed a difference in my thoughts and actions if I start the day out right.  I recently got called to work with Young Women at Church, specifically 14-15 year olds, and it has been a big motivator for me, to be a better example, and actually be doing the things that I teach them they should be doing!

Better Mom/Wife/Friend:  Get organized.  I mentioned it already but I'm going room by room through our house and cleaning out and organizing.  Just a tip.  If you find yourself being too sentimental, or not getting rid of stuff you haven't used in 2 years, quit and wait for the right mood. 

My longer term goals are more like benchmarks I guess, but I did decide to pick a 5k and a bike ride after reading Celeste's tips.  There is a bike ride of the local bike trail {a 26 mile loop} in May that I am going to do and the Spring in to Summer 5k is April 24th.  Eh, I better get on that one.  Running is NOT my thing.  But hey, this is my year right?! 

I hope that we've given you a little boost to really focus on what it is you are trying to accomplish.  I think that's the problem with Resolutions is that they can be so broad.  Narrowing them down to specific goals will help us to not give up or forget so easily.

How about you?   We'd love to hear your goals, fitness or otherwise!  And don't forget to enter the CORE 4 giveaway!  We'll be picking a winner on Friday the 14th so you better hop to it! 



  1. You are tiny Jenn, don't abandon all your sweets. You will still get results and your gym sessions will not be in vain. Enjoy your accomplishments! And pace yourself!:)

  2. I've been thinking about doing the Spring 5K as well. Especially since it's a few days before my birthday, I thought that might be a good birthday present to myself to prove I could do it. I'm just not much for the "race" atmosphere. :) I do compete against myself during my workouts pretty much on a daily basis though. Basically this year I just want to get into some of my smaller clothes, but most of all just feel strong again and I'm definitely on my way there. I've made it a goal to shoot for working out five times a week, but I'm more flexible on what the workouts are and how I do them. Sometimes I can only fit in ten minutes in the morning and maybe another twenty in the afternoons or something like that.


I la la love hearing from you!