Thursday, September 2, 2010

Do You Procrastinate?

I sure can kick it in to high gear when I'm running out of time!

Today I ...
+sewed a skirt,
+painted three chalkboard frames, 
+took Ivy swimming {in the bathtub} 
+sewed a blanket for my newest sweet nephew
+and made 10 loaves, 24 muffins and one mini loaf of zucchini bread.
+Plus everything else that needs done in a day and went to my nephews baby blessing.  

And I didn't get one picture to prove it.  

Does anyone else thrive under the pressure of procrastination? 


  1. YES. I do it every night around 9 or 10, right before I need to go to bed. Yet I start working on something, trying to squeeze it in and then I end up staying up late!
    I am a work in progress.

  2. Yes! I also find that is when I come up with my best ideas. What is that about? Sounds like you had a crazy day!

  3. I had a day like that earlier this week...I was a maniac! I got so much done and felt so good about my productivity.

    Today on the other hand, not so much.

    Missed you last night!

  4. I tried some of that zucchini bread, and oh my is was gooood. :D


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