Tuesday, September 7, 2010

In A Rut

Seriously.  I have lost my touch.  I can not decorate this house how I want to save my life.  I think a big part has to do with the rust color on the walls in the kitchen and going in to the living room.  Don't get me wrong its a really pretty color.  But its holding me back.  And it also has a little to do with changing style....  I know there isn't anything I can do about the color.  But maybe you can help me with my Ung Drill frame?!    This frame has hung on the wall just like this for 6 months.  

Ok more like this, but I can't decide.  I was going to put a vinyl "W" in it but do you know how hard it is to find a pretty W?  *sigh*.  I've looked, but I can't seem to find the right idea.  How about you.  Do you have a fabulous idea?
Can you help me?!


  1. i have that frame, too! i found it in the as-is section for a couple of bucks. i spray painted it off white and put burlap in it so i can use it as a bulletin board. i have nothing on it, mind you, but that's what i did with mine.

  2. How about cutting a piece of MDF to fit inside and painting that with chalkboard paint? You could leave cute notes to your hubby on it. Or maybe write your family theme. Or even use magnetic chalkboard paint and make it dual purpose. If you go with the chalkboard idea, I would paint it a bold color. Like turquoise. How fun would that be?!

  3. Guess you better come to Portland and get inspired! In the meantime you should do the burlap thing and make a black halloween silhouette like that cool tree you made last year -- the witch or bats or something spooky from your dingbats.

  4. k i'm thinking ivy's shiloutte in it. simple. classic. total yank of the heart strings is all. but that's just me. =)

  5. p.s.
    shabby chic just did something with their frame like this the other day.
    here's the link:


  6. Lilly Cakes did this to their frame:

  7. My cute friend Elizabeth at Elizabeth Wrties blog did something really cute with this frame too.

    Good luck!

  8. Can you find a cute "M" to turn upside down? I think it'd be cool as a mirror with the letter, but some of the other suggestions sound cute too. Can't go wrong! I'm needing an update too so I just ordered some fun fabrics to do new pillows for my couches...finally. ;)

  9. This is what I did with it. http://lorivanwagoner.blogspot.com/

    I made a bow holder for my daughter. I'd like to get another one and keep it black for our living room and put holiday silhouettes in it.
    Good luck.


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