In case you didn't know being a mom of just a 5.5 year old is fairly easy. I've had it pretty easy for a while actually and yowza is it gonna change really quick. We are headed across the country this weekend and CAN NOT WAIT to meet Axel. It has been spring break here this week so we have been doing lots of going. Going to the movies {Oz is awesome}, to fro yo, to the park and last minute shopping.
I've been going hiking more than usual.
Been able to go on a few last easy dates with this guy thanks to my awesome sister and niece.
We even hit up the circus. Which was totally awesome but makes you feel like you need a shower ASAP.
We can't thank you enough for all of you. I was thinking the other day as I was riding bikes with Ivy that it truly can't get much better than this. That all we really do need is love {and sunshine} to be happy. And we are so so so lucky to have the people in our lives that we do. You show us unconditional love and support for our crazy busy lives, always willing to help at any time. You always surprise me with kindness when I least expect it. And if I could truly express how my heart is bursting you would be sitting here in tears too.
Thank you a million times. We love you!